Dual Credit

Christian Center School is pleased to provide its students with a range of Dual Credit classes and opportunities.  As an accredited school, CCS has partnered with Timberlake High School in order to connect CCS students with access to Advanced Opportunity funds, which are funds designated for Idaho high school students pursuing college credits.  Dual Credit opportunities include a combination of online and in-person instruction with certified CCS teachers. 

Idaho Dual Credit Program

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Advanced Opportunities

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On Campus Concurrent Credit

CCS is proud to offer several college classes to juniors and seniors through a partnership with Northwest Nazarene University.  Highly qualified CCS educators have been certified to work with NNU professors to teach college courses right on our own campus. 

What is the NNU Concurrent Credit Program?

  • The Concurrent Credit Program is a partnership to unite the professors, classes and services at Northwest Nazarene University with high school students who have demonstrated high academic ability.

  • The Concurrent Credit Program offers university-level credits for selected courses taught to high school CCS students by NNU-approved high school teachers.

What does the Concurrent Credit Program offer CCS students?

  • The opportunity to fulfill some core university requirements while still in high school.

  • The opportunity to graduate with a high school diploma and college credit.

  • The opportunity to begin a college education at no cost through Advanced Opportunity funds

  • The opportunity for continued academic challenge while preserving enrollment and participation in high school.

How does the Concurrent Credit Program work?

  • Once NNU approves the course materials and the high school instructor, an NNU professor is assigned to each class and works with the high school instructor to ensure that the goals of the class and the material being presented are consistent with those offered at the same class on the NNU campus.

  • Students complete an NNU registration form  

  • Students enroll at Timberlake High School, and the Dual Credit Coordinator will facilitate Advanced Opportunity funds are paid directly to NNU to cover tuition fees.